From the PHP-Typography description:
PHP Typography is a PHP based solution to greatly improve web typography. It features the following capabilities (including granular control):
- Hyphenation
- Spacing control, including: gluing values to units, widow protection, and forced internal wrapping of long URLs & email addresses.
- Intelligent character replacement, including smart handling of: quote marks ( “foo” ), dashes ( foo – bar ), ellipses ( … ), trademarks ( ™ ), math symbols ( 1024×768 ), fractions ( 12⁄23 ), and ordinal suffixes ( 3rd )
- CSS hooks for styling: ampersands (class “amp”), acronyms (class “caps”), numbers (class “numbers”), initial single quotes (class “quo”), and initial double quotes & guillemets (class “dquo”).
This project merges, builds upon, and generalizes the functionality of wp-Typogrify, wp-Hyphenate and SmartyPants.